The 15th ISA World Congress for People Who Stutter
Join us in Finland for
the 15th ISA World Congress for People Who Stutter
from August 6th until August 10th 2025!
The World Congress will be hosted by the Finnish Stuttering Association, together with the International Stuttering Association (ISA). It will take a place in the city of Rovaniemi, located in the Arctic Circle in northern Finland.
Here you can find information about the 15th ISA World Congress for People Who Stutter. More detailed information will be coming here over time. The registration for the seminar will open in March 2025.
These pages are divided to different sections. If you use a mobile phone, you can find them by pressing the "Valikko"-menu at the top of the page. Under the Stuttering World Congress - title you can find more information about the location, arrival, accommodation, program, etc.